George Osborne life and biography

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George Osborne biography

Date of birth : 1971-05-23
Date of death : -
Birthplace : Paddington, London
Nationality : British
Category : Politics
Last modified : 2011-09-08
Credited as : politician, Conservative Party, Chancellor of the Exchequer

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George Gideon Oliver Osborne is a British Conservative politician. He is the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom, a role to which he was appointed in May 2010, and has been the Member of Parliament for Tatton since 2001.

Osborne is part of the old Anglo-Irish aristocracy, known in Ireland as the Ascendancy. He is the heir to the Osborne baronetcy (of Ballentaylor, in County Tipperary, and Ballylemon, in County Waterford).

He was educated at St Paul's School and Magdalen College, University of Oxford before becoming a Conservative researcher, and then an MP.

Osborne is the eldest of four sons. His father, Sir Peter Osborne, 17th Baronet, co-founded the firm of fabric and wallpapers designers Osborne & Little. His mother is Felicity Alexandra Loxton-Peacock, the daughter of artist Lady Clarisse Loxton Peacock.

Originally named Gideon Oliver, he changed his name to George when he was 13. In an interview in July 2005, Osborne said: "It was my small act of rebellion. I never liked it. When I finally told my mother she said, 'Nor do I'. So I decided to be George after my grandfather, who was a war hero. Life was easier as a George; it was a straightforward name."

At University like David Cameron. He joined the notorious Bullingdon Club. This is a secret society reserved for aristocrats who show their disdain for the lower classes by trashing properties and using their wealth and influence to hush up the victims of the vandalism. The Bullingdon is also renowned for it's riotous drinking sessions and it was here that Osborne was to meet Nat Rothschild, a fellow member and heir to the Rothschild banking fortune.He is married to the author Frances Osborne and has two children.

He became the youngest MP in the house of commons when in 2001 he won the seat to represent the constituency of Tatton. In the atmosphere of a Tory party lacking in direction his rise to the position of Shadow Chancellor was somewhat meteoric. In 2005, following his re-election as MP for Tatton, Michael Howard saw it fit to give him this post while he was still only 33 years old. His real rise to national prominence came during the 2007 conference season.The tories were 10 points behind in the polls and Labours lead seemed somewhat unassailable. In a do or die conference both Cameron and Osborne performed well. Osborne's proposals to increase the threshold for inheritance tax invigorated the grass roots. As Gordon Brown dithered and backed out of calling a snap election Osborne was much credited with changing Tory fortunes.

For about a year He was the Tory golden boy. He could do no wrong even allegations of cocaine use and a lurid photo of him (aged 22) with a black dominatrix published in The Mirror did not seem to damage him. The beginning of the end of his honeymoon as shadow chancellor came when the Deripaska scandal broke. Osborne was alleged to have solicited a donation from the Russian Oligarch (net worth £22billion) while staying on his yacht the Queen K. what made it worse is that the allegations came from his friend and fellow Bullingdon Club member Nat Rothschild (net worth £11billion).

Apparently Rothschild felt slighted that Osborne had revealed to the press parts of a private conversation that Peter Mandelson had held in an off the record party where Rothschild was the host. The allegations that Mandelson had 'dripped poison' about Gordon Brown was seen as not quite cricket and had seemingly broken some rich man's code of silence. Osborne was widely seen as being 'taken back to school' by the prince of darkness,Lord Mandelson.This made Brown look particularly astute as in an unorthodox move he had reintroduced the Tory nemesis as business secretary to his cabinet. As Brown led the world in bailing out the banks the Tories who had opposed this move were seeing their massive lead in the polls dwindle.This led for calls for Osborne to resign as shadow chancellor and make way for his old boss William Hague. Amidst a political climate where the economy has taken centre stage Osborne and the Tories have appeared increasingly bereft of ideas and their attempts to pin the blame for the entire global crisis on Brown has not worked. After his now infamous speech 'predicting' a run on the pound (after the pound had already lost 25% in its value) Osborne is perceived to be panicky in times of crisis and willing to risk spreading panic to gain political ground. His failure to support the government position on fiscal expansion at the expense of massive borrowing as Global concensus mounts for this course of action in a time of national and international economic crisis has left Osborne(as of 27 nov 2008) very insecure in his current job. His close working relationship with David Cameron, however, will likely ensure that he remains a senior Tory for many years to come.

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