Spanish workers hold general strike in central Madrid against labor reforms
The first general strike in the last year hit central Madrid on Thursday, as Spanish workers took the streets and formed picket lines outside wholesale markets, some TV stations have gone off the air. But, sadly nine people were slightly injured during the demonstrations, including police officers according to the Interior Ministry.
At the same time, the Interior Ministry said a total of 58 people were detained, the cause is still unclear. Unions are challenging a conservative government not yet 100 days old and joining other troubled European workers in venting their frustration on the street. The strike comes as Spain is in the eye of the eurozone debt storm.
The reforms make it easier and cheaper for firms to lay people off, and let companies cut wages unilaterally. Dozens of union members picketed outside the Agriculture Ministry before dawn, with dozens of riot police on hand. Picketers heckled and momentarily blocked a car trying to get into the ministry.
Spanish unions are protesting the new conservative government's labor reforms and austerity cuts.
The general strike is the first one against the government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, which was elected in November and took office in December, in the midst of Spain's deep economic crisis.
Spain's jobless rate is nearly 23% overall, and nearly 50% for youth. Nearly 5.3 million Spaniards are out of work.

added on Monday 24th July 2023