X-ray techniques revealed original wrestlers beneath Van Gogh' Still life
Dutch master Van Gogh originally painted a canvas of two wrestlers and then painted Still Life With Meadows and Roses over it. Researchers examined the two wrestlers in more detail using X-ray techniques. The brush strokes and pigments pointed to Van Gogh.Some recent work over a supposed work of famous painter Vincent van Gogh, which was initially believed as his, but later dismissed have brought a new painting by the Dutch master. Still Life With Meadow Flowers and Roses, originally considered a Van Gogh, has belonged to a Dutch museum since 1974. But doubts crept in due to the painting style and the unusual canvas size and it was discredited in 2003.
Using the X-ray technique experts managed to authenticate the painting as being his work, and is now hanging for the first time in the Van Gogh section of the Kroeller-Mueller museum in Otterlo. On top of that, what the X-ray revealed beneath the still life is actually a pose of two wrestlers.
The work is thought to have come from the period when Van Gogh lived with his brother Theo in Paris from 1886.
Van Gogh originally painted a canvas of two wrestlers and then painted Still Life With Meadows and Roses over it. Researchers examined the two wrestlers in more detail. The brush strokes and pigments pointed to Van Gogh.
Researchers also discovered the large canvas was a standard format for figure paintings at the Antwerp academy where Van Gogh studied at the time. X-ray techniques shows Van Gogh's original wrestlers wearing loin cloths. Meanwhile, it is known that having models pose half-naked was a defining characteristic of the Antwerp academy ehere Van Gogh studied in 1886. Van Gogh also wrote to his brother saying that he was pleased with how the wrestler painting had turned out.
But he later painted directly over it which experts say accounts for the "uncharacteristic exuberance" of the floral still life.

added on Monday 24th July 2023