Biographies for people starting with c letter on Science and Technology category

Biographies of "Science and Technology" peoples starting with C letter

C. Everett Koop biography

Charles Hires biography

C. Wright Mills biography

Charles J. Van Depoele biography

C.V. Raman biography

Charles K. Kao biography

Cabeo Niccolò biography

Charles Mason biography

Camilla Rothe biography

Charles Nicolle biography

Camillo Golgi biography

Charles Plumier biography

Carl Cori biography

Charles R. Drew biography

Carl David Anderson biography

Charles Richet biography

Carl Gassner biography

Charles Sanders Peirce biography

Carl Jung biography

Charles Seligman biography

Carl Rogers biography

Charles Steinmetz biography

Carl Sauer biography

Charles Wheatstone biography

Carleton S. Coon biography

Charles Wilson biography

Carlo Matteucci biography

Chester Carlson biography

Carlos Finlay biography

Christa McAuliffe biography

Carol W. Greider biography

Christiaan Eijkman biography

Caroline Herschel biography

Christian de Duve biography

Carroll Wright biography

Christian Jürgensen Thomsen biography

Carson Rachel biography

Christiane Nusslein-Volhard biography

Carson, Benjamin Solomon biography

Chuck Hoberman biography

Casimir Funk biography

Clément Ader biography

Catharine Parr biography

Claire M. Fraser biography

Cesar Milstein biography

Clark Kerr biography

Charles Adolphe Wurtz biography

Clark Wissler biography

Charles Alderton biography

Claude Bernard biography

Charles B. Huggins biography

Claude Louis Berthollet biography

Charles Booth biography

Claude Pouillet biography

Charles Darwin biography

Claude Shannon biography

Charles Dodds biography

Cleveland Abbe biography

Charles Elton biography

Corneille Heymans biography

Charles Ezra Scribner biography

Craig C. Mello biography

Charles F. Richter biography

Craig Venter biography

Charles Fort biography

Cresson H. Kearny biography

Charles Hard Townes biography

Crispin Davis biography

Charles Henri Marie Flahault biography

Cummings Chesney biography

Charles Herbert Best biography

Curie, Marie Skłodowska biography

People born today, 24th of October (42)
Passed away on 24th of October

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