Biographies for people starting with v letter on Politics category

Biographies of "Politics" peoples starting with V letter

V. Gene Robinson biography

Victor Duruy biography

Vaclav Klaus biography

Victor Ponta biography

Valérie Létard biography

Victors Arajs (de) biography

Valérie Pécresse biography

Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit biography

Valéry Giscard d'Estaing biography

Vincent Auriol biography

Valerie Bowman Jarrett biography

Vincent Delahaye biography

Valerie Plame Wilson biography

Vincent Eblé biography

Valeriu Stoica biography

Vincent Peillon biography

Valeriu Turcan biography

Vinicio Cerezo biography

Varujan Vosganian biography

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin biography

Veer Savarkar biography

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin biography

Victor Bérard biography


People born today, 24th of October (42)
Passed away on 24th of October

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