Biographies for people starting with h letter on Politics category

Biographies of "Politics" peoples starting with H letter

Hélène Conway-Mouret biography

Henry Martin Jackson biography

Habib Bourguiba biography

Henry Morgenthau Jr. biography

Hafiz al-Assad biography

Henry Paulson biography

Haile Selassie I biography

Henry Stuart Foote biography

Hamad bin Khalifa biography

Henry Sylvester-Williams biography

Hamid Karzai biography

Henry Wilson biography

Hamilton Fish biography

Henry Winter Davis biography

Hanan Ashrawi biography

Herbert Aptheker (de) biography

Hank Adams biography

Herbert H. Lehman biography

Hannibal Hamlin biography

Herbert Henry Asquith biography

Hans Apel (de) biography

Herbert Hill biography

Hans Eberhard Apel biography

Herbert Hoover biography

Hans-Dietrich Genscher biography

Herbert Macaulay biography

Hans-Jochen Vogel biography

Herbert Vere Evatt biography

Harold Adams Innis biography

Herman Cain biography

Harold Eliot Varmus biography

Hermann Abeken biography

Harold George Nicolson biography

Hermann Ahrens biography

Harold Laski biography

Hermann Goring biography

Harold Macmillan biography

Hernan Siles Zuazo biography

Harold Wilson biography

Hervé Marseille biography

Harper, Stephen biography

Hervé Morin biography

Harry Blackmun biography

Higinio Morinigo biography

Harry Lloyd Hopkins biography

Hilda L. Solis biography

Harry Reid biography

Hildegard Hamm-Brucher biography

Harry Thuku biography

Hillary Clinton biography

Hassan al-Turabi biography

Hiram Fong biography

Hassan Gouled Aptidon (de) biography

Hiram Johnson biography

Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei biography

Hiram Rhoades Revels biography

Hastings Banda biography

Ho Chi Minh biography

Hattie Caraway biography

Holger Apfel (de) biography

Heihachiro Togo biography

Horace Greeley biography

Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein biography

Horatio Seymour biography

Henri de Laborde de Monpezat biography

Hosni Mubarak biography

Henri Emmanuelli biography

Houari Boumediene biography

Henri IV de France biography

Howard Dean biography

Henri Lacordaire biography

Hu Jintao biography

Henri Tandonnet biography

Huey P. Newton biography

Henry Clay biography

Huey Pierce Long biography

Henry Kissinger biography

Hugh Gaitskell biography

Henry Lewis Stimson biography

Hugo Banzer Suarez biography

People born today, 12th of February (35)
Passed away on 12th of February

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